Our Services

With over 5 years of experience in digital asset markets, we can manage your investment easily and effectively. Our company can assist you with any aspect of digital asset investment management, research, advisory services, and trading.

Finance Planning

We document an our clients's long-term financial goals and creates a strategy for achieving them.

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Tax Planning

We analysis our client’s overall financial situation and conditions in order to craft a financial plan that can be executed in the most tax-efficient manner.

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Sales & Trading

We uses a computer program that follows a defined set of instructions (an algorithm) to place a trade. while ecploiting finacial market vulnarabilities

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Market Research

We blends consumer behaviour and economic trends to confirm and improve our digital investment idea.

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Exact and Clear is an African quantitative investment company that dedicates its knowledge, experience, and competence to researching and finding innovative ways of profiting from financial asset markets on behalf of its investors.